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Did you know:
That the phrase "immortal soul" occurs nowhere in scripture?

Did you know: That the phrase "eternal torment" occurs nowhere in scripture?

Did you know: That the single word "Hell" in a  King James Version is translated from three different Greek words, and one Hebrew word?

Did you know: That the word translated "Hell" in the Old Testament is always translated from the Hebrew word sheol which is translated 29 other times as "grave", and 3 other times as "pit"?

Did you know: That the Bible nowhere says that "Hell is a lake of fire"?

Did you know: That the Bible nowhere says that those in hell "weep and gnash their teeth"?

Did you know: That the Bible speaks of many "unquenchable fires" in the past which are not currently burning?

Did you know: That when Jesus spoke of "unquenchable fires" and "undying worms", he was quoting from Isaiah 66:24 in which the fire and worms feed on dead bodies, not immortal souls?

Did you know: That the Bible says that souls can bleed, souls can be hit with swords, souls hunger, souls thirst, and that souls can die?

Did you know: That the Bible also calls animals "souls"?

Did you know: That the Bible nowhere says "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"?

Did you know: That the apostle Paul never used the word "Hell" one time in all his writings?

Did you know: That the Bible nowhere says that Jesus died to save us from Hell?


If you would like more detailed information, please read our work
"Man Became a Living soul"

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